Assalamualaikum (peace be upon you!)
Hi, readers! welcome to my blog. On this page, I would like to share my report of SEA Teacher Program in the Philippines.
Before I begin my stories, I would like to thank to the Almighty God to give me a great chance to gain experiences in how to spread knowledge, love, understanding and respect through education. I am so proud to say that I am Jeng Anggi Priyatni, one of a students of Tanjungpura University, Indonesia, is one of thousands of chosen delegates of Indonesia to join the prestigious program, the Southeast Asia Teacher (SEA-Teacher). Now, let’s begin the journey that I had there at the Iloilo Science and Technology University, in the city of love, the Iloilo.
Hi, readers! welcome to my blog. On this page, I would like to share my report of SEA Teacher Program in the Philippines.
Before I begin my stories, I would like to thank to the Almighty God to give me a great chance to gain experiences in how to spread knowledge, love, understanding and respect through education. I am so proud to say that I am Jeng Anggi Priyatni, one of a students of Tanjungpura University, Indonesia, is one of thousands of chosen delegates of Indonesia to join the prestigious program, the Southeast Asia Teacher (SEA-Teacher). Now, let’s begin the journey that I had there at the Iloilo Science and Technology University, in the city of love, the Iloilo.
Let's take a look at my lovely Laboratory School!
The Iloilo Science and Technology University is in Iloilo City, West Visayas, Philippines which was founded in 1905. The university provides undergraduate and graduate levels which are the College of Art and Science, the College Engineering and Architecture, the College of Industrial and Technology, and the last but not least my new family, the College of Education.
And now let's talk about the school where I conducted my teaching practice. I would like to say that I am quite lucky, because the school that I teach is actually in the same exact area with my receiving university. The college of Education has its own Laboratory School. The curriculum used in the school is not really relying on the national curriculum of Philippines Educational Ministry, the K2 12. Since it is a public school which under the college of Education, some subjects and materials are different, except its grading system. The differences are regarding to the changes that they might have to improve their quality of education. I mean for the purpose of learning, changes are necessary things, because we are the ones who know our students' needs, qualities and abilities.
Here are some pictures of the Lab. School
*The Grade 7 of Ilang-Ilang (the national flower of Philippines)
*An English Class conducted by Ma'am Emmi, also one of our mentors for teaching practice.
*The Grade 7 of Sampagita (the national flower of Philipines) doing their group discussions.
The Schools' Grades and Learning Materials
There are four grades in secondary level and two grades in high school levels. Each of the grades are consist of two sections. In grade 7, there are Ilang-ilang and Sampagita which is the national flowers of the Philippines, grade 8 Nara and Malove (trees), grade 9 falcon and eagle, grade 10 diamond and gold.
Being a good teacher, I realize that I need to have a good skill as well as the knowledge of the subject material that I am going to teach. It is a must that a good teacher have to be well prepared and study in advanced. There in the Philippines, preparing for the material was the most challenging part that I had to encounter. Unlike Indonesia, in the Philippines English is the second language, so that most of the student are already having good English proficiency. Therefore, most of the materials taught in English Classes are about literature and a bit of language features. They are not only the local ones but also the world literature, even I have experienced to teach a local story from my own country, Indonesia, Entitled Mangiring and Mona written by Arie M.P. Tamba. The books that they use in English Class can be seen as follows:
Grade 7 (sampagita, Ilang2/ Language Literature; Filipino Literature)
Grade 8 (Malove, Nara/Language Literature; Afro-Asian Literature)
Grade 9 (Falcon/Language Literature; Anglo-American Literature)
10 (Diamond, Gold/ Language Literature; World Literature)
There is something that I learn a lot from the materials that I taught, the literature. Three of my Teaching Mentors, Ma'am Emi, Ma'am Darroca, and Ma'am Jieza used to told me that by teaching literature to the students, by knowing the messages and by relating those to yourselves as individuals and social creatures, were one of the best ways to build our understanding and love and respect to others. The intelligence can be learned, but the most important thing to live as a human is the values of humanity itself, and you can pass the lessons through literature.
Measurement and Evaluation System
In measurement and evaluating system the school reflect on the curriculum. Each of the subject has its different scoring system and percentages.For the English Subject the students are graded based on three aspects which are written work (30%), performances (50%), and quarterly assessment (20%). The scoring rubrics should be based and cover the objectives that the students need to achieve. In general, the objectives are divided into three major points which are cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. There must be three or more objectives in one lesson plans.
Teaching Plan and Strategy
One meeting spends for an hour. the strategy that I used in my classes is by using more student-student and student-content interaction, and just a short of time in student-teacher interaction. Since they were focusing in studying literature, so I put myself more to be like facilitator in the class.
I take an example when I conducted a class of the 10th grade of Diamond and the 9th grade of Falcon .
*The students were discussing about an essay entitled War written by Voltaire.
*They related the messages and lessons that they can learn from the essay to their daily lives as a students.
*This picture was taken while they were debating about the purpose of war.
*The 9th Grade of Falcon
This is one of my lesson plan that I used in conducting my teaching practice.
In measurement and evaluating system the school reflect on the curriculum. Each of the subject has its different scoring system and percentages.For the English Subject the students are graded based on three aspects which are written work (30%), performances (50%), and quarterly assessment (20%). The scoring rubrics should be based and cover the objectives that the students need to achieve. In general, the objectives are divided into three major points which are cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. There must be three or more objectives in one lesson plans.
Teaching Plan and Strategy
One meeting spends for an hour. the strategy that I used in my classes is by using more student-student and student-content interaction, and just a short of time in student-teacher interaction. Since they were focusing in studying literature, so I put myself more to be like facilitator in the class.
I take an example when I conducted a class of the 10th grade of Diamond and the 9th grade of Falcon .
*The students were discussing about an essay entitled War written by Voltaire.
*They related the messages and lessons that they can learn from the essay to their daily lives as a students.
*This picture was taken while they were debating about the purpose of war.
*The 9th Grade of Falcon
This is one of my lesson plan that I used in conducting my teaching practice.